Heist: A Diamond Doms Novel Read online

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  “Can you call a car for me? I think I’m gonna call it a night,” Austin said.

  “Ride with me,” a voice said from across the lobby. Austin looked up to see Patrick standing there, one hand stuffed into his jeans pocket.

  “You’re not staying here tonight?”

  Patrick shook his head. “My suite is right next to Holly and Elijah’s and they’re staying. I decided to get a hotel in town. I’m at the Glenview. Where are you?”

  Austin nodded. “Same.” It was the nicest hotel in the small ski town and a lot of members used it when they came in for a weekend.

  “Perfect. My car should be here any minute.”

  Austin swallowed. Being alone in a car with Patrick just might make her combust.

  Chapter Five

  Patrick opened the car door for Austin and waited for her to slide in.

  “We’re both headed for the Glenview,” he told the driver as he closed the door.

  The car pulled away from Solitaire and headed down the hill to the main road. The trip would take about thirty minutes, and Patrick had no intention of spending it in silence.

  “So, people really seem to think we would be a good match,” he said. “How do you feel about it?”

  “I guess we oughta talk about why people seem to think that,” she said.

  “I don’t think any of them are wrong. I’ve already explained why I never pursued playing with you.”

  He watched her face in the darkened cab.

  “The fact that we’ve never played together is why I’m so confused about why people think we would be a good match. How do they know this?” she asked.

  “Judging from your scene tonight, we would definitely be a match for playing. At least as far as impact play goes. I love to light a girl’s ass on fire with my hairbrush or paddle.”

  To his satisfaction, she squirmed in the seat next to him.

  “Between me ending my scene without an orgasm, your dirty talk, and that damn house submissive interview, I’m going to need fresh batteries in my vibrator before morning.”

  Patrick hummed. “How do you feel about orgasm control?”

  Austin sucked in a breath. “Never played with it much but I’ve always thought it sounded hot.”

  He leaned in close to her ear and whispered, “If you were mine, I would take away your vibrator and send you to bed horny. I happen to love orgasm denial.”

  Austin squirmed and tried to slide closer to her door. “I guess I’m glad I’m not yours yet,” she said on a swallow.

  Patrick chuckled. “We haven’t even been matched together yet, sweetheart.” What he didn’t say was that he had every intention of making damn sure they were matched.

  “God, I didn’t think I wanted it until now. Can you tell me what else being paired with you would involve?”

  Patrick wasn’t sure how much to tell her since he’d barely glanced at her application before her interview, figuring others would fill him in if needed. They still had another twenty minutes in the car together though. Might as well keep it interesting.

  “I haven’t reviewed your application yet, and normally, our first conversation about this would be after I looked at it. That said, the first week or two we would focus on learning club protocol. After that, we would start focusing on the things you want to achieve from your time as a house submissive and the things I expect as your Dom.”

  “Would you be allowed to fuck me?” she asked.

  Her bold question took him by surprise, but he liked it.

  “Like Eli said earlier tonight, only if that’s a thing we both agreed on. Our first official meeting as Dom and sub would be to discuss and establish limits and rules for the way we interact with each other.”

  Austin swallowed. “This is all very overwhelming. I wasn’t expecting to have this conversation my first trip back to the club.”

  Patrick laughed. “No, I don’t suppose you did. It’s not too late to withdraw your application though. Consent is important to the training program. You can withdraw your consent at any time and you’ll just go back to being a regular member of the club.”

  Austin shifted then. “OK. Let me put my attorney hat on for a minute. How do you handle the scholarship house submissives then? What if one of them withdraws their consent? Isn’t membership based on their ability to be a house submissive?”

  Patrick grinned. “Excellent question. It’s happened a couple of times. We don’t kick them out if that’s what you’re asking. That would be unethical and a bad consent practice. David insisted we have multiple ways to allow people without the financial means to pay dues to maintain membership. We simply move them into a different program and they still put in hours behind the bar or at reception.”

  Austin seemed satisfied with his answer. “OK. Back to how things would be with you. I’m keen to know what to expect.”

  Patrick thought for a moment. “Have you ever done long-term D/s?”

  “Define long-term.”

  “More than a fling. Have you ever been submissive to someone for longer than a scene or a day or two?”

  She ran a hand through her blonde hair, and he wanted to do the same. After a moment, she cleared her throat and said, “Once. I wasn’t exactly collared to him, but I lived with him my first year of law school. It was a very strange relationship. He liked to spank me, especially if he thought I’d earned it.”

  “And how would you earn a spanking?”

  Austin shifted. “This is getting a little personal. I feel weird.”

  Patrick gave a low laugh. “If I’m going to be your trainer, it’s going to get a lot more personal than this.”

  He watched her take a deep breath and square her shoulders. “Please don’t judge me.”

  Patrick tucked a hand beneath her chin. “I’m a Dom at a BDSM club, Austin. I have no room to judge anyone. Now spit it out.” He put a dominant bite into his tone to see how she would react to it.

  Squeezing her eyes shut she said, “Spanking got me through law school If I fucked up on a test or didn’t turn something in on time, I knew he was going to spank the hell out of me when I got home.”

  Patrick trailed a finger up her cheek. “Now why would I judge you for that, sweetheart? You’re speaking my language.”

  “So, you really don’t think I’m weird for enjoying punishment? We always had the best sex after he spanked me. I would sometimes lie and tell him I was late for something just so he would use a hairbrush on me.”

  Patrick laughed. “You’re definitely not weird but let’s get one thing straight, you ever lie to me like that a spanking will be the least of your worries. You want a spanking, you ask for it. Don’t make up misbehavior just to get it.”

  Austin swallowed. “OK,” she whispered into the dark.

  “This has been a very enlightening conversation, sweetheart. I’ll consider everything when the board meets tomorrow to match everyone.”

  Austin gave him a shy smile. “Thank you.”

  “Are you going to think of me, or Derek when you slide the vibrator across your clit tonight?”

  Austin coughed in surprise but didn’t answer.

  “Answer the question, Austin. That or I walk to your room with you and you can hand the vibrator over.”

  “You, definitely you, especially after this God damned conversation,” she blurted.

  Patrick laughed. “I hope you know if we do this thing, I’m going to ask you to describe exactly how you masturbated to thoughts of me.”

  Austin blew out a breath. “Is this really happening? I did not expect any of this when I booked my flight to Colorado.”

  Patrick laughed. “I think it’s really happening. I can’t say I expected any of it either.”

  “Do you want to come to my room?” she asked, her voice trembling.

  Patrick wanted to say yes, but he also wanted to test her. “If I come back to your room, it won’t be to fuck you, baby girl.”

  “What… what would it be for?” she asked with
stammering breath.

  “To finish your spanking, of course. And to take your vibrator.”

  Austin laughed. “If you’re going to take my vibrator after I sign on the dotted line, I think I’ll keep my masturbating privileges for tonight.”

  Giving into his urges, he let his hands fist into her hair and brought his lips close to hers. “Good choice,” he said before crushing his mouth to hers.

  Their car was pulling under the hotel portico by the time he broke their kiss.

  “I’ll see you at the party tomorrow night, Austin,” he said as the driver came around and opened her door.

  Patrick let himself out of the car. Christ, had he really just turned down an opportunity to go to bed with her? He watched her disappear into the hotel. They were going to have a much longer conversation before they slept together.

  As he stepped out of the car, he pulled his phone from his pocket. It showed a missed call from Grant Sterling an hour earlier. Why was he calling?

  Doing the math for the time difference, he figured it wasn’t too late to call him back and raised the phone to his ear.

  “Patrick, thanks for calling me back.”

  “No problem. What can I do for you?”

  “I wondered if I could borrow Tim Reyes for a few days. Part of your father’s settlement agreement is donating his rare diamond collection to the Natural History Museum in New York and we just finalized an agreement with the museum for the transfer.”

  Patrick pressed the up button for the elevator and ran a hand through his hair. “OK. So, what does this have to do with Tim Reyes?”

  “I want someone on hand who knows the diamond collection to verify that all the diamonds are real. A museum curator will be on hand to verify them as well, but we basically want double verification from both sides.”

  The elevator doors slid open and Patrick stepped in. “I don’t mind sending Tim to New York. I’m opening a new lab there anyway. He can help with that.”

  “Great. You wouldn’t want to be part of the unveiling, would you?”

  Patrick had no desire to be part of it, but Grant kept talking.

  “It might help with your press problem. Especially if you make a statement about why you stormed out of the courtroom. You could even talk about being glad that your father doesn’t have the diamonds anymore.”

  Patrick clenched his fist in frustration as the elevator reached his floor. “You make a fair point. I’ll think about it. Maybe Holly can come with me.”

  “Holly would be fabulous. Just maybe not Elijah. He had more animosity towards Nicholas than you. We want to keep the unveiling positive.”

  Patrick just scowled even though Grant couldn’t see him. “I’ll talk to her then. Just email me the details and I’ll make arrangements for Tim to join you.”

  “Great, thank you, Patrick.”

  He stepped into his suite and set the phone on the wireless charger.

  Now that he had some sense of what made Austin tick, he could pack his toy bag for tomorrow night with her in mind. Just in case she agreed to a scene with him. He was certain he would have the chance to ask since the rest of the board was convinced he would be a good match for her.

  When he crawled into bed, he let his thoughts drift to their kiss. Did she come to thoughts of him before she went to sleep? Was she still playing with herself? Christ, he was hard as a fucking rock. Going to sleep was going to prove difficult.

  Chapter Six

  Austin stared at her phone and reread the email. She was to report to Solitaire for a meeting with Patrick. There were other instructions about what to wear, but she couldn’t stop staring at his name. After her third orgasm, she’d finally passed out last night only to dream of him all night long. This was real. She was committing to be a submissive for Solitaire and to obeying Patrick for at least the next eight weeks.

  “What am I doing?” she asked the empty hotel room as she rummaged through her suitcase for a pair of black panties and a black bra. The instructions in the email had called for an all-black ensemble. She had a black corset, but she chose a black off the shoulder blouse and a matching all black mini skirt instead. She took her time with her makeup and hair and slid into a pair of black stilettos at least five inches high.

  At six-thirty, she picked up her phone to call a car. A text was waiting for her.

  Bring your vibrator

  Her face heated as she read Patrick’s message. She could pretend she hadn’t read it, but of course most phones these days would tell a sender if their text had been read or not. It was a test, and Austin had to decide if she wanted the spanking bad enough to leave the toy behind, or if the brownie points for being a good girl were more appealing. In the end, she tucked the slender toy into her bag and stepped out into the hallway.

  Downstairs, her car was waiting for her. She’d secretly been hoping to share a car with Patrick, but knew he was probably already at the club getting ready for their meeting.

  When the car began the drive up the mountain road thirty minutes later, Austin felt her insides tighten and her pulse quickened. This was it. She was going to try something completely new tonight.

  She didn’t recognize the girl working reception, but she had stayed away for two months, so there were probably several new faces. A girl with tan skin and dark hair was checking in ahead of her.

  “Welcome to Solitaire, Isabelle, Master Garrett is waiting for you. Cassie will direct you to him.”

  Austin couldn’t help but notice the slight tremor in Isabelle’s legs as she followed Cassie.

  “I’m Austin Yates. Not a new member but I do have a meeting with Patrick… uh, Master Patrick, right now,” she said, sliding her ID across the counter to the girl.

  “I’m Kayla. I’m Master Matthew’s trainee and house submissive. Nice to meet you Austin. Cassie will take you to Master Patrick.”

  When Cassie returned, she motioned for Austin to follow her.

  “Why the fuck am I so nervous?” Austin whispered as they walked into the bar and towards the small rooms to one side.

  Cassie laughed and gave her a pat on the back as they approached a door. “It’s meant to be a little nerve-racking. You’ll be fine. You and Patrick will go great together.”

  Austin blew out a breath as Cassie tapped on the door and pushed it open. “Austin is here, Master Patrick.”

  Cassie stepped back and motioned for Austin to cross the threshold. Her breath caught as she took in the sight of Patrick. He sat in a wing-backed chair, one denim clad leg propped up on the other knee, shiny leather boots and a tight black t-shirt finished the look. His hair was slicked back as if he’d just recently had a shower, but he still had that delightful scruff on his face.

  “Good evening, Austin, please come in.” His voice sent little shock waves through her. She’d never noticed the sexy timbre of his tone before, but it was melting her now.

  “Um. Hi,” she said, lamely as she stepped further into the room.

  He chuckled. “I can tell your nervous. Come sit and let’s chat.”

  Austin twisted the strap of her bag in one hand as she moved to the chair opposite Patrick.

  “Put the bag under your chair,” he said ducking his chin towards the floor.

  She let the black canvas fall off her shoulder to the floor where she kicked it beneath the chair.

  “I was going to have a bit of fun with you as soon as you walked in, but you’re shaking and you’re white as a ghost, so talk to me. Are you having second thoughts?”

  Austin swallowed. “I don’t think so. This just feels different than our previous interactions, and I’m not sure how to act.”

  Patrick smiled. “Just be yourself, sweetheart. This conversation is just us getting to know each other. There are some things we have to go over and some formalities to take care of, but you still hold all the power here.”

  Austin nodded and felt herself relax into the chair. “That’s a relief. I had no idea what to expect, but I’ve heard stories about
Russell’s first meetings with new subs.”

  Patrick tossed his head back and laughed. “Russell is a sadist who only takes on masochists who enjoy a good mind fuck. His first meetings are intense for a reason. First lesson though, from now on, it’s Master Russell, just as I’m Master Patrick, though you can just call me Sir if you’re talking to me.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Austin whispered.

  Patrick flashed her a tender smile. “Good girl. Now, just because I’m not a sadist doesn’t mean I’m not demanding, but I get the feeling you like that in a Dom, so let’s talk limits.”

  Austin twisted her hands and looked around the formal room.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “This room, it’s so… stuffy. I feel like I’m at a job interview, not a kink club.”

  Patrick laughed. “There’s nothing saying we have to stay in here, it’s just a private place for us to talk. We can move to the bar if that would make you more comfortable. Just know that at some point I’m going to make you kneel for me, so you have to decide if you want the first time to be in private or in public.”

  Austin thought about it for a minute. “Can we like, I don’t know, sit on the couch or something? I feel like a naughty schoolgirl who’s facing the principal, and it’s making me uncomfortable.”

  Patrick hummed and flipped open the folder that had been laying on the table next to his chair. “Does that mean we can mark schoolgirl fantasies off the list of things to try?” he asked with a teasing grin.

  Austin laughed. “Those skirts never looked good on me anyway.”

  Patrick smiled. “There she is. Stand up and come over here.”

  On shaky legs, she stood and crossed the short distance between the two chairs. Patrick unfolded his long leg so both feet were on the ground and patted his lap. “Sit.”

  She sat awkwardly on his lap until he helped her swing her legs up and into the chair and wrapped his arms around her waist.

  “Why so nervous? You invited me to your hotel room to fuck you last night. No need to be shy or worried about anything that’s going to happen here, sweetheart.”