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Heist: A Diamond Doms Novel
Heist: A Diamond Doms Novel Read online
A Diamond Doms Novel
A Diamond Doms Novel
Ivy Nelson
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Copyright © 2020 by Ivy Nelson
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book review. For more information, address: [email protected].
First edition March 2020
ASIN- B0846K561F
A Note From The Author
Heist contains depictions of BDSM. This book is the authors interpretation of BDSM fantasies and is not intended to be an educational tool. BDSM is different for everyone and this is just one perspective. Everything in this book is fictitious and should be read as such. If you choose to participate in BDSM, please remember consent above all else and please do educate yourself with something that isn’t a work of fiction.
I hope you enjoy this creation.
Ivy Nelson
Table of Contents
A Note From The Author
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter One
“Thank you so much for taking a chance on me, Mr. Sutton,” Tim Reyes said as he withdrew his head from the large pressure chamber.
Patrick Sutton leaned against the wall of his lab and watched with genuine interest as his newest employee sorted through the fresh batch of orange lab made diamonds.
“You passed all the background checks, Tim. I don’t think a good man should have to suffer because of my father’s sins.” He stepped forward to get a closer look at the stones.
“Will any of these work for the pumpkin?”
Tim slid a jeweler’s lamp onto his head and flipped the lens over his eye, switching the light on as he sat on a stool. “Let’s have a look,” he said as he pulled the first of the diamonds from the vessel.
“I think they’re a good color, but the orange still isn’t quite right for the pumpkin diamond if you ask me.” He set one diamond aside and picked up the next. “Maybe once we cut and polish them, we’ll find what you’re looking for.”
Patrick tried not to hover as the man checked the raw gems for impurities. One of the many good things about lab produced diamonds was that most of them came out with a lot more clarity than mined diamonds did.
Tim motioned for him to come closer. “This one is gorgeous, boss. Your techs are top-notch. I would never have believed this was a possibility without seeing it for myself.”
The tech chuckled to himself as Patrick held the diamond up. “If your father could see me now, he would probably have a coronary.”
Patrick stiffened and passed the diamond back to Tim. “I would rather we not talk about him if it’s all the same to you.”
Tim nodded as he lifted another diamond into his light. “You got it, boss. I know things were tense between you two. I just appreciate having work again.”
Patrick clapped him on the shoulder. “From what I can tell, you do great work. Speaking of my father, I need to get out of here if I’m going to make it to his trial on time. Let me know if there are any in there that you think will work to recreate the pumpkin diamond.”
Tim agreed that he would, and Patrick strode out of the room towards the elevator to ride up to the main floor of the still shiny building. It had been rebuilt several months ago after someone from his father’s organization had torched it. Thanks to his partnership with Elijah Barrett, a prominent businessman in the city, they had been able to get back up and running quickly.
He shuddered as he thought of Troy Wilson, the man who had kidnapped his sister and nearly killed her on this very property. The fact that the man was rotting in jail definitely didn’t make him lose any sleep at night.
Now, he was on his way to pick up his sister from the Barrett Corporation so they could hear the opening arguments in his father’s federal trial. She would soon be Holly Barrett instead of Holly Sutton, and Patrick had half a mind to change his name right along with her when she got married. Being a Sutton was not something he relished. There had been thoughts of using his mother’s maiden name, but the constant reminder of her murder would have been too much for Patrick, so he stuck with Sutton for now, hoping that one day he could make something of the name while his father died in prison.
The ride to the Barrett Corporation was short, and Holly was waiting for him when he pulled up to the curb.
“Go, hurry, while Elijah is still in his meeting,” she said with a giggle when she climbed into the car.
Patrick just shook his head as they rode in the back of a town car across Los Angeles to the courthouse.
“I hope you know I’m not going to feel one bit sorry for you when Elijah spanks the hell out of you later. I can’t believe you didn’t tell him what you were doing,” Patrick said with a glare at his sister as they stood outside the courtroom.
“Oh hush. Elijah isn’t unreasonable. He’ll forgive me. I just needed to be here for this, Patrick. It’s important to me.”
Patrick sighed and pulled open the doors to the courtroom where his father’s trial would be held. He’d been arrested only four months earlier but given the amount of media attention the case was getting, the lawyers and judges involved had agreed that it was better to speed things along. A typical case of this magnitude often took more than a year to go to trial. Patrick was glad it was happening quickly.
“I’m scared,” Holly whispered as they sat on a bench in the very back.
He slung an arm around her and kissed the top of her head. “It will be fine. It’s not like he can attack you. The bailiff is armed, and Nicholas has been in jail for months.”
Holly leaned on his shoulder. “It’s just the first time I’ve seen him since before his arrest. Elijah arranged for me to visit him, but I chickened out.”
Patrick was secretly glad she’d chickened out, but there was no way in hell he was telling her that.
“Let’s just see what happens, OK? You’re allowed to have mixed-up feelings about all of this.”
They were early, but the courtroom was already packed. No cameras were permitted, but plenty of reporters sat ready to take notes. Photographers and journalists with microphones had ambushed them as soon as they
stepped out of the car and onto the courthouse steps earlier though. They were going to have to come up with an exit strategy later.
When the lawyers for both sides entered the courtroom, all eyes were on them. Patrick’s arm tightened around his sister as Nicholas Sutton made his way to the defense table, escorted by a guard.
“He looks so old,” Holly whispered.
Patrick wasn’t expecting to feel so disturbed by just how old he looked, but the man seemed downright frail. Oh, how the mighty have fallen, he thought as he watched his father ease himself into a chair.
“All rise,” the bailiff called a few minutes later. “The honorable Carl Longworth presiding.”
As Patrick and Holly and the rest of the crowd stood, the judge came in with his black robe billowing around him.
He adjusted his glasses on his thin face and opened the folder before him. The bailiff called out the case number and pertinent information as everyone settled back into their seats.
The judge cleared his throat and adjusted the microphone on the bench. “I’m told that both sides have reached a plea deal.”
Patrick stiffened and sat up straighter. That didn’t seem right.
“We have, your honor,” the prosecuting attorney said as she pulled a stack of papers from her briefcase and passed them off to the bailiff who handed them to the judge.
“I’ll read it into the record now,” Judge Longworth said.
Patrick felt his face heat as he listened to the deal that had been worked out.
“In exchange for cooperation in ongoing investigations, the federal government is willing to drop most of the charges against the defendant—Nicholas Sutton—and he will plead guilty to the remaining federal charges. The defendant has also agreed to liquidate his jewelry company and a number of other assets which will be listed at the end of this document. A collection of rare diamonds that are currently part of Mr. Sutton’s estate will also be donated to the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, where they will be displayed in the Morgan Memorial Hall of Gems.”
Holly scooted closer to him and asked, “What does all of this mean? I don’t understand. It sounds like they’re reading off a business deal.”
Patrick just stared straight ahead as he listened to the judge continue to read. “The defendant will be subject to a fifty-thousand dollar fine and serve six months in jail after which time he will be placed on probation for three years.”
The fog of anger and frustration in Patrick’s brain drowned out the judge’s voice as he read the remaining charges and other details of the ridiculous plea agreement.”
The judge had finished reading and now sat back in his chair, his fingers steepled as he contemplated the agreement before him.
“Do both sides find this deal agreeable?”
“We do, your honor,” the defense attorney, Raul Lansing, said.
“In the interest of getting people more dangerous than Mr. Sutton off the streets, your honor, the prosecution finds this deal acceptable.”
“I understand that there are several state charges filed against Mr. Sutton as well. Is that correct?” the judge asked.
“Yes, your honor. My client will remain in custody until a trial date is set for those charges. We would like to request that any time served while waiting for that trial count toward Mr. Sutton’s sentence in this case,” Raul Lansing said.
The judge looked down at Nicholas Sutton and removed his glasses. “Are you prepared to accept this plea deal, Mr. Sutton?”
“I am, your honor.” His voice was feeble, and if Patrick hadn’t been overcome with rage, he might have felt sorry for the old bastard.
“I’m going to accept this deal as is then, and…”
Patrick didn’t wait to hear the rest of what the judge had to say. “This is bullshit,” he said, a little louder than he intended. He was already on his feet when the judge banged his gavel. He pushed his way out of the courtroom before he could hear the man’s reprimand.
“Patrick wait,” Holly cried after him as she scurried to keep up.
Patrick kept walking until he was almost to the front doors of the courthouse. The cameras were flashing from the swarm of reporters before he could even open the doors. He skidded to a halt. There was no way he could go out there right now.
“Damn it,” he swore, as he raked his fingers through his hair and paced the hallway.
“Patrick, why are you so angry?” Holly asked.
“Because, the bastard is going to get off with a slap on the wrist. He’s serving six months, Holls. Six fucking months for all the shit he’s done.”
Holly blew out a breath. “OK. I thought maybe you were upset about mom’s pumpkin diamond going to a museum.”
Patrick shook his head. ‘That’s a better place for it. A museum is more likely to let me borrow it so I can replicate it in the lab anyway.”
She rested a hand on his shoulder and Patrick felt his heart rate begin to slow. “I’m sorry, Patrick. But he still has state charges to face. We don’t know the outcome of that yet.”
“You’re right. I just wasn’t expecting that. There were no whispers about a plea deal. I thought that was the sort of thing they kept families in the loop on.”
“Mr. Sutton, Miss Sutton, can I have a moment of your time?” A reporter from inside the courtroom approached them, notebook in hand.
Holly backed away and shook her head. “We’re not talking to reporters today.”
“You haven’t given a single interview since the arrest. Why is that?” the reporter asked anyway.
“We’re asking the public to respect our privacy at this time.”
Patrick was grateful then for his sister’s experience as a spokesperson, because he would have gone off on the journalist had he been alone.
“I’ll call a car,” he said, looking for something to do.
“Dale is right around the corner,” Holly said when the reporter backed off.
Patrick quirked an eyebrow up. “So, Elijah does know you’re here?”
Holly grinned. “I’m sure he does now since Dale is a snitch, but when I saw how much press was here, I messaged and asked him to wait around the corner. Figured Elijah wouldn’t be so upset when my face appears all over the news later. We all know Dale is some sort of superhero disguised as a driver.”
Patrick just shook his head. “You’re ridiculous. Well, call him then and let’s get through the swarm of vultures out there.”
When Dale arrived, Patrick tucked Holly under his arm and together they pushed their way through the mob of reporters.
“Why did you storm out of the court room today?”
“Were you involved in your father’s business?”
“Holly, if he’s out in time, will your father walk you down the aisle?”
At the mention of her upcoming nuptials, Holly gave a bright smile and said, “Actually, I’m quite capable of walking myself down the aisle, but I might let Patrick here escort me.”
By then, they were at the car and Patrick shoved Holly inside and climbed in after her.
“Drive, Dale,” he ordered as reporters continued to try and shove their microphones at the now moving vehicle.
“I have Mr. Barrett on the phone for you, Miss Holly,” Dale said grimly, passing her his cell phone.
“Uh-Oh,” Patrick said in a singsong voice. “Somebody’s in trouble.”
Holly smacked him but took the phone. She winced as she listened to her fiancé. “I know. I’m sorry, Sir,” she said, sounding appropriately contrite, as Dale navigated the heavy L.A. traffic.
Patrick was grateful he couldn’t hear his best friend scolding Holly for disobeying him and going to the trial. He didn’t blame Elijah for being protective. Someone in his father’s organization had kidnapped and tried to kill her four months ago, and police still weren’t sure if Nicholas had ordered it or not.
Holly’s voice grew soft. “Yes, Sir, I know. I love you. I’ll be back to the office soon.”
p; “So, how much trouble are you in?” Patrick asked when she returned the phone to Dale
Her grin was instant. “Enough that I’m sure I’ll have a sore ass at work tomorrow.”
Patrick made a gagging sound. “Forget I asked.”
Holly punched his arm. “When are you going to find a subbie girl of your own? I never see you with anyone more than once at the club, and you’re always on dates with someone new when you’re in California.”
Patrick shrugged. “I like my life the way it is. Completely uncomplicated. And I just finished training a sub for the house subs program at Solitaire. Doesn’t that count for something?”
Holly snorted. “That was completely platonic since she wasn’t looking for sex out of her experience. Definitely doesn’t count.”
Patrick rolled his eyes. It was still awkward to have discussions about kink with his sister. But since she was marrying her Dom in a few months and was a fixture at Solitaire, the exclusive BDSM club he was on the board of, he was going to have to get used to it.
“Where am I taking you, Mr. Sutton?”
Patrick looked at his watch. “I’ll go to the office with Holly. If she’s nice to me, I’ll even try to talk Elijah out of being too pissed at her.”
Holly giggled next to him as they sped through the city Patrick had grown up in. He still kept an apartment in L.A., but he much preferred San Francisco where he lived and worked now.
A half hour later, they pulled into the parking structure of the Barrett Corporation. Dale bid them a good afternoon as he dropped them off in front of the bank of elevators.
Holly scanned her badge as they stepped into the last elevator in the row and was granted access to the highest floor.
Elijah was waiting for them when the doors opened at the top. “You’re lucky Patrick came with you, baby,” he said with a wink as he tugged her out of the elevator and into his arms for a kiss. When he pulled away, he smacked her hard on the ass, causing her to yelp.
Patrick looked away and cleared his throat. “Did you see the news about Nicholas?” he asked when they started moving down the hall to Elijah’s office.